Explore Population Dynamics at Evo-Edu.org

Welcome to Evo-Edu.org, where we strive to help teachers and learners worldwide explore evolutionary processes and biological patterns through accessible, inquiry-based lessons and resources. Our mission is to foster scientific literacy, curiosity, and an appreciation for the wonders of life on Earth.

“We aim to build scientifically literate, curious minds by providing inclusive and cutting-edge evolutionary education.”

What Is Population Dynamics?

Population dynamics explores how populations of organisms grow, shrink, and change over time. In ecology, this can mean predicting the future of a single species (like a herd of deer, a colony of penguins, or a stand of trees), or understanding how interactions among many species influence their sizes in an ecosystem.

Matrix Models and Their Importance

One way to study population dynamics is by using matrix population models (like Leslie or Lefkovitch matrices). These models split a population into different ages or stages and describe how individuals move from one class to another—or produce new individuals—over discrete time steps. By doing so, we can estimate growth rates, survival probabilities, and potential outcomes for future generations.

Hands-On Learning With Our Web App

At Evo-Edu.org, we offer a Matrix Population Dynamics Web App that helps learners of all levels:

By experimenting with different values and initial conditions, you’ll gain an intuitive grasp of how population models work and why they matter in conservation, resource management, and understanding evolutionary processes.

Launch the Interactive Population Dynamics Explorer App

Launch the Applied Population Dynamics App

Why This Matters

Understanding population dynamics is key to:

We invite teachers, students, and curious individuals to use this resource for self-study, classroom projects, or independent research. By exploring these models, you engage with genuine scientific questions and develop problem-solving and data interpretation skills—fundamental tools for any aspiring scientist or informed citizen.

Ready to learn more? Check out our additional guides on evolutionary concepts and explore how you can use apps to see evolution in action—like changes in survival, reproduction, or adaptation over many generations.

Information for educators

Please see the Population Dynamics Curriculum Alignment page for information on how use of the Evo-Edu population dynamics materials can align with K-12 science standards.